18/09/2018   Ready for attracting people to public sector jobs!

All set to go tomorrow at County Hall Lincoln for the 'Attracting people to public service jobs' event. If you can't wait you can now download the e-ver of the delegate pack from the 'Resources' section on the Lincs page. To book a last minute dot com delegate place you can email chris@donkinitex.co.uk and our facilitator will book you in.

18/09/2018   Ready for attracting people to public sector jobs!

All set to go tomorrow at County Hall Lincoln for the 'Attracting people to public service jobs' event. If you can't wait you can now download the e-ver of the delegate pack from the 'Resources' section on the Lincs page. To book a last minute dot com delegate place you can email chris@donkinitex.co.uk and our facilitator will book you in.